
Chocolate & Baileys Baked Cheesecake - English recipe

Original recipe is provided by the kind chef of Bully Hayes, in Akaroa, New Zealand.

225 g Biscuit (quality, like hocolate hips cookies)
60 g Butter
Grind the bisuits in food processor until fine crumbs, melt the butter, add the biscuit crumbs and mix them well. Bake for 7 mins in the oven in a 28cm or 26 cm springform cake tin.

675 g Cream Cheese
320 g Sour Cream
1 Cup Sugar
5 eggs
Mix these at room tempreture, add eggs one after the other

500 g Dark Chocolate (min. 70%)
60 g Butter
2 tbspn Cocoa
Melt chocolate in water bath and mix with butter and cocoa.

Combine filling and chocolate with Baileys to taste. (Baileys can be substituted with Brandy, Whiskey, etc.) Wrap the bottom and sides of the cake tin with several layers of aluminium foil (5-8 layers) so as the bottom doesn't soak. Bake it in the oven for 60 mins at 160 degrees.

Serve with one scoop of top quality ice cream. Keep overnight in fridge.
Címkék: desszert

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